Our Company in the News (June and July)

Here is some recent media coverage of our company and our team members:


Asociace: Na registraci svěřenského fondu zbývá poslední den
Online ● blesk.cz (Bulvár) ● 28. 6. 2018
Vydavatel: CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s. ● Autor: ČTK


Končí lhůta pro zápis svěřenských fondů do nového rejstříku
Online ● bydlet.cz (Bydlení a zahrada) ● 29. 6. 2018, 14:38
Vydavatel: AliaWeb, spol. s r.o

Zanikly dvě stovky svěřenských fondů

Tisk ● Právo; str. 17 (Zprávy) ● 3. 7. 2018
Vydavatel: BORGIS, a.s. ● Autor: Jakub Svoboda


Zanikly dvě stovky svěřenských fondů
Online ● novinky.cz (Zprávy) ● 8. 7. 2018, 22:34
Vydavatel: BORGIS, a.s. ● Autor: Jakub Svoboda


Dobře utajené fondy
Tisk ● Euro; str. 24 (Ekonomika, finance, právo) ● 9. 7. 2018
Vydavatel: Mladá fronta, a.s.


Češi podceňují ochranu majetku. Předmanželská smlouva nestačí
Online ● domaci.ihned.cz (Zprávy) ● 11. 7. 2018, 0:29
Vydavatel: ECONOMIA, a.s. ● Autor: Alžběta Vejvodová


Velká část svěřenských fondů je stále anonymní, i když platí nový

Online ● euro.cz (Ekonomika, finance, právo) ● 11. 7. 2018, 0:04
Vydavatel: Mladá fronta, a.s. ● Autor: Petr Weikert

Češi podceňují ochranu majetku. Předmanželská smlouva nestačí

Tisk ● Hospodářské Noviny; str. 8 (Zprávy) ● 11. 7. 2018
Vydavatel: ECONOMIA, a.s. ● Autor: Alžběta Vejvodová,


Češi podceňují ochranu majetku. Předmanželská smlouva nestačí
Online ● pravniradce.ihned.cz (Ekonomika, finance, právo) ● 12. 7. 2018, 7:09
Vydavatel: ECONOMIA, a.s. ● Autor: Alžběta Vejvodová

367,300 CZK from one of our Trusts supports UNICEF

Most trusts are set up for families – by parents or grandparents for the benefit of children, grandchildren and future generations. They are set up for private purposes and there usually isn’t an intention to benefit charities – or at least not as a primary focus.

But charities are still relevant to these families. What happens for example if all the members of the family die? Hopefully of course this never happens – but sadly it does happen from time to time. In such cases, where all the beneficiaries have died, the money would normally go to the Czech state.

We have so far never met a client who would like this to happen! For this reason, a well-drafted trust will always include a charity or charities as ‘beneficiaries of last resort’. This means that, if the unthinkable happens, your money will at least end up going to a good cause.

Sadly, and rather surprisingly, this outcome has already happened for one of our clients.  The good news is that UNICEF is now 367,300 better off, with another charity, Nadace Partnerstvi getting a similar amount.

You can read what UNICEF wrote about this here.

Our Company in the News (March to May)

Here is some recent media coverage of our company:


Asociace: Letos vznikly desítky nových svěřenských fondů
Online ● blesk.cz ● 15. 3. 2018, Publisher: CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s. ● Author: ČTK



Svěřenských fondů dál přibývá
Print ● E15; Page. 6 (News) ● 16. 3. 2018, Publisher: CN Invest, a.s.



Britská firma ovlivňovala volby, prý i v Česku
Print ● Týden; pages. 10, 11 (News) ● 26. 3. 2018, Publisher: EMPRESA MEDIA, a.s. ● Author: Pavel Cechl



V novém rejstříku je zatím jen minimum svěřenských fondů, zápis do
něj drhne. Chybí i Babišovy fondy

Online ● domaci.ihned.cz (News) ● 13. 4. 2018, Publisher: ECONOMIA, a.s.


V novém rejstříku je zatím jen minimum svěřenských fondů, zápis do
něj drhne
Online ● pravniradce.ihned.cz (Economics, finance, law) ● 16. 4. 2018, Publisher: ECONOMIA, a.s. ● Author: Táňa Králová



Trustees Seminar / Less than two months left to register

APRSF Seminar for Trustees and Advisers – 5 – 6 June 2018


We are running our next two day seminar at the beginning of June.  The seminar will be delivered in Czech.

Click here for more information on the seminar.



Less than two months left to register your trust

Trust funds that were established before the end of 2017 must be registered on the Register of Trusts by the end of June.  Trusts that do not register will cease to exist.

If you have not started on the registration process, now is the time. If you are interested, we are be happy to help you with this process for a flat fee of CZK 1,500. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us at info@trusty.cz.

If you decide to register your trust fund yourself, you can do so through the following link: https://isesf.justice.cz/


APRSF Educational Seminar: Confidentiality / Reserve Recipients

As you may be aware, we are founding members of the APRSF, Asociace pro podporu a rozvoj svěřenských fondů, z. s. .

APRSF has a forthcoming seminar that might be of interest to you on the topic of current issues around client confidentiality from a trust perspective.

This will cover a range of areas including the current situation with CRS (Common Reporting Standard) and other relevant areas (including GDPR).

The seminar will also include a short presentation from Pavla Gomba – Executive Director of UNICEF Czech Republic on the topic of Reserve Recipient clauses.

The event will include wine and nibbles as well as the chance to network with other APRSF members.

Details are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 3 April

Time: 17:00

Venue: PricewaterhouseCoopers Česká republika s.r.o., City Green Court, Hvězdova 2c, 140 00 Praha 4

Attendance Fee:: Free for APRSF Members and guests, 400 CZK for others. If you are not an APRSF Member and would like to attend, please let us know and we will invite you as our guest..

Registration: Please register by email to info@trusty.cz

Update: Register of Trusts

After a lot of teething troubles, the register of trusts is now finally up and running properly.

For those of you with existing trusts, it is important that you register your trust before the end of June. If you fail to do so, your trust will cease to be valid.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Do it yourself: You can register your trust yourself by following the instructions at https://isesf.justice.cz/ Unfortunately, we cannot say this is a simple process. That is why we are offering a second option;
  2. We can do it for you: We can prepare all the necessary documents for you, send them to you for signature and then submit them to the relevant registration court. As this is a somewhat time-consuming process, we can offer this service to you for a fixed fee of 1,500 CZK per trust plus the cost of any disbursements (official copies etc)

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please email us at info@trusty.cz and we will get to work.

We open a new office in Brno

One of our weaknesses in the four years of our company’s existence has been the lack of a physical presence in Moravia. This is reflected in the fact that our current clients are disproportionately from Bohemia. For almost all clients at least one personal meeting is an important step in establishing a trust, and the trip from Brno to Prague has sometimes been too much of an obstacle.

That’s why we are delighted to announce the launch of our new office in Brno.

Our presence in Moravia is via a partnership with well respected Brno law firm, Bulinský, Vávra & Partners. As well as being a senior lawyer with the firm, Mgr. Monika Hofrichterová, who will be representing our interests in the region, is very knowledgeable about trusts and is a graduate of the APRSF Trust Training course.

Clients from the region will now be able to establish a trust and obtain professional trust advice without needing to travel to Prague. Our Brno presence is open now and can be contacted at brno@trusty.cz

We have good working relationships with a number of other law firms in Moravia, and it is important for us to emphasise that our Brno presence is designed only for direct clients, that is clients who contact us directly, be it by telephone or through the internet. In the case of business sourced from lawyers and other professionals, because we respect your client relationships, this business will continue to be handled from Prague

Article – Giving Assets to Trusts

Giving Assets To A Trust

In order for a family trust to be properly constituted, some form of asset must be transferred to the trustees to hold on trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

The family home, a cottage, a family business, and artworks are all examples of assets that are put into a trust.  In this article, we look at how giving works and some of the things that it’s important to think about.

Getting Started

At the beginning, when you create your trust, it is important to start with some initial asset. This initial transfer is normally done as part of the trust contract.

For a variety of reasons, we normally recommend that this initial transfer should be just 1,000 CZK. One of the main reasons is a legal requirement to verify that this initial amount is the property of the founder of the trust. This can create problems determining if the asset is matrimonial property, but these questions do not apply to small amounts of cash.

This rule does not apply to later transfers to the trust.

Putting the Main Assets in the trust

This is normally done by a separate contract (or contracts) of contribution between the person who is transferring the asset and the trustees.

There is no rule that says this all has to be done at once, or that it has to be done at any particular time. Sometimes we see trusts that are established by left empty for some years. This is not a problem.

Assets can also be put into a trust via a will.

Who makes the transfer?

The initial transfer must be made by the founder. Subsequent transfers can be made by anyone. For example, we often see one spouse as the founder, but additional transfers being made by the other spouse or another family member.

Tax, Gift Duty and Real Estate Transfer tax

We are not tax advisers, but we have written advice from a Tax Adviser that in normal circumstances, transfers into a trust do not create a liability for any kind of tax – either for the person transferring or for the trust.

We always recommend that clients get appropriate tax advice, and this is especially important if there is any ‘unusual’ aspect to the trust – for example if the assets or any of the people involved with the trust is non-Czech resident.

 Considerations for Trustees

If you are a trustee, you must be very careful of the implications of accepting a gift and take into consideration any potential consequences. You must also ensure that the nature of the gift is clear. For example, if a gift of cash is given to a trustee, it is important that the gift is clearly documented as a gift in order to avoid any future claims that the gift was actually a repayable loan to the trust.

Some gifts are not all they seem. Trustees should always ask themselves if the asset in question really benefits the trust, and be sure that if the asset carries with it any potential liabilities, that the trust is able to pay them.

For example, a derelict building could require the expenditure of significant amount of money for maintenance and improvements – without any prospect of rental income.

Trustees are under no obligation to accept a transfer to the trust, and there are times when it is best to refuse. Other reasons for refusing are set out below.

Solvency / Intention to Defraud

In some circumstances, a transfer to a trust may be voided if it is found that the settlor/donor was insolvent at the time of making the gift.

In addition, a gift to a trust may be set aside by the courts if it is discovered that the settlor made the gift with the intention of hindering or defrauding creditors or tax authorities.

This creates an important issue for trustees. It is important for the trustees to be assured that at the time of making a gift, the person giving the asset is solvent and able to pay their debts and that they have legitimate reasons for making the gift. If the transfer is cancelled by the courts but the trustees have already paid the money on to a third person, then this would be likely to result in personal liability for the trustees.

Again, remember, there is no obligation for trustees to accept such gifts.

Transfer of Ownership

It is crucial that trustees ensure that the appropriate formalities to transfer the asset to the ownership of the trustee are complete. These formalities will vary depending on the asset being transferred to the trustee.

If you are adding real estate to the trust, the transfer needs to be in a form that is acceptable to the land registry (and the signatures need to be notarised). The requirements for other assets are generally less strict but for larger assets we always recommend that signatures are notarised.

We can help you prepare these contracts as part of our trust administration service.


Family trusts and associated property transfers can be quite complex. To ensure you achieve the outcome you want, always use a professional trust administrator such as Svěřenské fondy a trusty s.r.o.to help you.