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Expat Inheritance Seminar for Democrats Abroad

Posted on: 06 Jan

In February, we will be running together with partners a seminar for expats in the Czech Republic.

The seminar will cover the key issues around inheritance and estate planning for expats living in the Czech Republic.

We encourage you to think about whether any of these things are true for you:

  1. I do not have a will
  2. I have a will, but it has not been updated since 2012
  3. I am married to a Czech (or I am a Czech married to an expat)
  4. He or she does not have an up-to-date will
  5. I have children from a previous relationship
  6. I own a business in the Czech Republic
  7. I own real estate in the Czech Republic
  8. I have children living outside the Czech Republic
  9. We do not have a coordinated plan for our family’s inheritance

If you are permanently resident in the Czech Republic and some of these things apply to you, it is a strong indication that you should seek advice – either by attending one of our seminars or contacting us for an individual consultation.

This seminar will be closed – and accessible only to members of Democrats Abroad.  However, we are always willing to run similar seminars for other groups.  For more information, email us at